Data Poor Assessments

Estimation of the shape parameter of the Pella-Tomlinson model from biological parameters in an age-structuired model that could be used for data poor assessments (Maunder 2003).

Research Summary

Mark advocates using integrated models and explicitly making assumptions about processes rather than using simple methods that hide the assumptions. One example is his use of age-structured models to develop values for the shape parameter of the Pella-Tomlinson model, which could be used for data poor assessments, and how the Shaefer model should never be used. However, he recommends using an age-structured model directly. He has developed depletion-based estimators that can be used for short lived species with highly variable recruitment (e.g. Maunder, 2010; Minte-Vera, 2021; Aires da Silva et al., 2016) and indicators that have been used to manage tropical tunas in the EPO (Maunder and Deriso, 2007). He also developed several empirical rules that automatically approximated the production function, which some were tested using simulation analysis, but they did not perform that well (Carruthers et al., 2016). Mark also showed that using CPUE that combines species together causes biased advice (Kleiber and Maunder, 2008). 

Relevant Papers

Minte-Vera, C.V., Maunder, M.N., Aires-da-Silva, A.M. 2021. Auxiliary diagnostic analyses used to detect model misspecification and highlight potential solutions in stock assessments: application to yellowfin tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean. ICES Journal of Marine Science 78 (10), 3521-3537.

Carruthers, T.R., Kell, L.T., Butterworth, D.D., Maunder, M.N., Geromont, H.F., Walters, C., McAllister, M.K., Hillary, R., Levontin, P., Kitakado, T. and Davies, C.R., 2016. Performance review of simple management procedures. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil. 73(2): 64-482.

Aires-da-Silva, A., Valero, J.L., Maunder, M.N., Minte-Vera, C., Lennert-Cody, Roman, M. H., MartinezOrtiz, J., Torrejón-Magallanes, E.J., and Carranza, M.N. (2016). Exploratory Stock Assessment of Dorado (Coryphaena hippurus) in the South Eastern Pacific Ocean in 2015. Inter-Amer. Trop. Tuna Comm., 7th Scient. Adv. Com. Meeting. SAC-07-06a(i).

Maunder, M.N. 2010. A depletion estimator for within-season management of yellowfin tuna. Managing Data-Poor Fisheries: Case Studies, Models & Solutions, 1: 251–258.

Kleiber, P. and Maunder M.N. 2008. Inherent Bias in using Aggregate CPUE to Characterize Abundance of Fish Species Assemblages. Fisheries Research 93: 140-145.

Maunder, M.N. and Deriso, R.B. 2007. Using indicators of stock status when traditional reference points are not available: evaluation and application to skipjack tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Inter-Amer. Trop. Tuna Comm., Stock Assess. Rep. 8: 229-248.

Maunder, M.N. 2003. Is it time to discard the Schaefer model from the stock assessment scientist’s toolbox? Fisheries Research, 61: 145-149.


Aires-da-Silva, A. Lennert-Cody, C. Maunder, M.N. and Román-Verdesoto, M. 2014. Stock status indicators for silky sharks in the eastern Pacific Ocean. IATTC Stock Assessment Report 15: 118-141.

Hinton, M.G., Maunder, M.N., Vogel, N., Olson, R., Lennert, C., Aires-da-Silva, A., and Hall, M. 2014. Stock status indicators for fisheries of the eastern Pacific Ocean. IATTC Stock Assessment Report 15: 142-182.

Maunder, M.N. (2001) Priors for the shape and productivity parameters of a Bayesian Pella - Tomlinson model. IOTC Working Party on Methods, Sete, France, April 23-27, 2001. WPM-01-08.